
2016-09-02T07:48:57+00:00April 30th, 2006|

Curry Village (or "Camp Curry") was founded by people in the education world--notoriously underpaid as it those in that world are (I should know, having been there for too many years!), I wasn....

Nature Nurtures

2016-09-02T07:49:29+00:00April 23rd, 2006|

I spent most of this week living at the Sacred Mountain in "Own Village," or Taos (as it’s known to most of us). The days comprised an almost-study of iving in harmony with the environm....

Long Distance

2016-09-02T07:50:00+00:00April 16th, 2006|

Three days left. You should be here in this violent city. And though you have forbidden me to touch myself in your absence, my fingers cannot help but lie like agitated birds near the dark place the...

Nation’s Capital

2016-09-02T07:50:35+00:00April 9th, 2006|

The Smithsonian is the world’s largest museum (or 17 museums and a zoo, to be more accurate). I was told they have over 140,000,000 objects; whatever the exact number may be, this place mak....

The Capes

2016-09-02T07:51:01+00:00April 2nd, 2006|

Cabo San Lucas is an indefinite place, neither land nor sea, a thin shifting strip between worlds. We left footprints quickly erased by wind and tide, built a castle gone by morning, daydreamed an im...

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