My home town, where we invent ourselves

2016-09-02T07:14:31+00:00January 28th, 2007|

Ever since the show-business pioneers DeMille and Lasky were drawn to climate-blessed Los Angeles just after the turn of the century, Hollywood ceased being a real place and became a concept, a glitte.


2016-09-02T07:15:01+00:00January 21st, 2007|

Bangkok is bizarrely blends modern and ancient, with tall skyscrapers towering over centuries-old Buddhist temples. Imposing wats are adjacent to horridly impoverished narrow stree..

The intimi-dater

2016-09-02T07:15:32+00:00January 14th, 2007|

People always say, "Be careful what you wish for." I have the same reaction to that sentiment as I do to "Don’t get your hopes up." Both admonitions are clearly impossible to o....

Five people

2016-09-02T07:16:01+00:00January 7th, 2007|

One of my favorite recent books is "The Five People You Meet in Heaven," by Mitch Albom. It gets one to thinking about the five people. It’s a game we play all the time, and I give it .... .

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