
2016-09-02T07:01:28+00:00June 24th, 2007|

So the decadent time on my friend’s massive yacht continues...sheesh, going back to my wave-runner at home is going to seem lame. But that’s not happening today! Au contraire, a few days....

Paris of the Antilles

2016-09-02T07:01:55+00:00June 10th, 2007|

Our colonial-style hotel was in a lively area of Old Havan, and was over 170 years old. While accomodations were austere by American standards, the charm was undeniable! Havana’s history....

My dog

2016-12-13T20:28:23+00:00June 3rd, 2007|

My dog is smart, honest! I mean that in the most facetious way, but I love him for it. I've had him for two years now, and I am now beginning to be comfortable with my small, friendly, hirsute roomm....

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