Chocolate: More Than a Sweet Nothing?

2016-11-27T04:57:48+00:00July 31st, 2016|

Chocolate is my kryptonite…well, I have to stop thinking about it as kryptonite. No one is about to give me license to carry a feed bag of M&Ms around my neck, but I’ve read lately that a little dark decadence won’t wreck my figure. In fact, it may actually keep me slim. The few extra [...]

What is Intelligence?

2016-11-23T01:06:42+00:00July 17th, 2016|

Academics have for over 100 years measured intelligence using IQ tests, but the Flynn Effect they’ve found doesn’t necessarily mean we are more intelligent than our grandparents. We may just be better at taking tests. Aptitude tests are one way of measuring intelligence, but scholars note that most aptitude tests are biased from the writer’s [...]

The Joy of Being Rotten

2016-11-23T00:53:40+00:00July 3rd, 2016|

Just got dumped? Here are some ideas —Send a stripper-gram to their next board meeting —Order the most expensive bottle of champagne and meal at the last dinner you have together —Fill their shampoo bottle with hair bleach —Pledge $5000 to their alumni fund, in their name —Seduce their best friend —Initiate sex, the rub [...]

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