The Gift of Meditation

2017-08-27T02:21:28+00:00January 29th, 2017|

Intelligence isn’t equal to development; intelligence has to be developed.  Just because you’re smart doesn’t automatically make you a perfect or even brilliant human being.  Intelligence is a potential, a capacity, and that capacity need to be developed in order to do you or anyone else any good.  You might have a high IQ, but [...]

Nerds Rule

2017-08-27T01:56:18+00:00January 15th, 2017|

Nerd culture; what does it mean to self-identify as a nerd?  What I’m about to write is half lighthearted frivolity and half serious…but really, what are the legitimate descriptors of a true nerd?  Everyone can define the term as he or she sees fit, and no one can stop him or her.  But I think [...]

Political Car Sickness

2017-08-27T01:48:53+00:00January 1st, 2017|

If you’re, like me, one of the people who ingests news with your morning coffee (or reads those banner headlines that pop up on your phone a hundred or so times a day), you too—whatever your political persuasion—have likely been making regular visits to medical websites for self-help tips.  After each jolt of adrenaline you [...]

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