His Rescue Cat

2017-08-27T04:13:05+00:00February 26th, 2017|

Upright Hallmark cards and lasagna-stained paper plates cluttered Grandma’s kitchen table.  I pulled up the sleeve of Grandpa’s old gray role then let it fall back upon my arm.  Bare feet tapped cold white and gold linoleum.  Less than four hours ago the last guest had left, asking if we needed anything.  I replied, as [...]


2017-08-27T02:36:32+00:00February 12th, 2017|

Today, I tackled my own ironing.  Not much these days, but though it’s an infrequent chore I still put it off to the dry cleaner or housekeeper as much as possible.  Once started I got to thinking.  There’s something about ironing.  After you get into it, ironing is actually therapeutic.  I should do it more [...]

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