Remove Your Rose-Colored Glasses

2017-08-28T18:14:39+00:00April 23rd, 2017|

Have you picked up on people talking in terms of “us” and “them”?  During tough times, when a country is in a particularly trying state of affairs, some folks tend to look of a scapegoat.  They point their fingers at these citizens and start rumors that “they” are the cause, the reason why things in [...]

Our Beautiful Neighbor

2017-08-28T18:00:37+00:00April 9th, 2017|

Nothing renews one’s faith in capitalism like visiting a communist country.  Cuba, for all the praise some foreign visitors heap upon it, is no exception.  Certainly you can’t visit the island, as I did recently, without admiring its many charms:  its physical beauty, the accomplishment of its architecture and music, the warmth of its people.  [...]

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