
2017-08-28T19:47:07+00:00May 21st, 2017|

I wanted to be Brenda Starr when I was little.  Before going to school, I’d grab the paper and read the comics.  There would be Brenda starr, the only female I knew who wasn’t a teacher, secretary or housewife.  She was a newspaper reporter—a glamorous, beautiful woman with a mysterious boyfriend.  She was respected for [...]

Avoiding Mob Rule

2017-08-28T19:40:49+00:00May 7th, 2017|

I’m not going to engage, I say to myself like a mantra.  I was in a strange predicament that I’d never before experienced.  It was only until I traveled with him in the American South, that my sitting at a dinner table with a man of another race was interpolated by those around me to [...]

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