A Moment on a Plane

2017-08-28T20:57:27+00:00July 30th, 2017|

I find myself in plenty of airport and on plenty of planes.  And so it was that I was chatting with a seat mate the other day about America’s favorite topic du jour…politics.  The flight was completely full, about a half hour late, and we were 3 hours into a scheduled 4-hour flight.  Apparently I [...]

The Golden Ratio

2017-08-28T20:37:19+00:00July 16th, 2017|

We belong to our parents until we belong to ourselves.  We eat their food, wear the clothes they drape around us and listen to the music that comes out of their sound systems.  Their tastes are ours until we become our authentic selves.  Then we push aside their world and crank up the volume on [...]

How to Be a KID

2017-08-28T20:31:02+00:00July 2nd, 2017|

If you’ve had a relatively loving family background, remember the delight in just being a kid.  No thoughts of comparisons; times of playing without thoughts of performing.  There was an unconscious delight in just being you.  If you’re family background was less-than-optimal, remember what you hopefully learned in school…listen, tell the truth, and be kind. [...]

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