Mind the Gap

2018-01-31T01:58:27+00:00September 24th, 2017|

Mindfulness is often mistaken to be simply thought-observing, as in literally observing one’s thoughts.  On the contrary, it entails at least a dozen practices for different types of people and purposes.  Whichever practice we use, mindfulness is an awareness of our present-moment experience (mentally, emotionally, and physically) with the quality of curiosity, acceptance, and conscious [...]

Distortion of Philosophy

2018-01-31T02:00:36+00:00September 10th, 2017|

Just what is the relationship between consciousness and reality?  If Zen is accurate, it would explain human mystification about what, who and why we are.  Our dualistic approach (me vs. everything else) generates bewilderment.  Could the key to the magic of existence be as simple as recognizing that there is no separation between us and [...]

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