California State of Mind

2018-01-31T02:40:15+00:00October 22nd, 2017|

As a child, I used to play all sorts of make-believe games.  One day I’d be a teacher; my stuffed animals were my students.  Another day I’d play store, creating a boutique in my basement.  In my loftier moments, I’d pretend to be in the aviation world and make pretend I was on the radio, [...]

Conservatives and Liberals Will Never Communicate

2018-01-31T02:02:49+00:00October 8th, 2017|

In America we’re Republicans and Democrats, but across cultures and throughout history there have been two main opposite forces in human political society:  liberals and conservatives.  Interestingly, there are meaningful differences in the brain structure of liberals and conservatives (though it’s not yet clear whether the mindset builds the brain or vice versa).  For a [...]

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