Playboy Italia – In palestra con Amy Taylor

2018-07-10T23:10:16+00:00May 27th, 2018|

In palestra con Amy Taylor Amy Taylor è l’esempio perfetto della modella bella e intelligente, laboriosa, forte e libera. Amy non è solo una modella famosa con un fisico statuario, ha studiato a Berkley, ha conseguito un MBA, è pilota ed è un membro di MENSA ovvero fa parte del 2% della popolazione con [...]

Another View

2018-11-20T07:41:14+00:00May 20th, 2018|

Back in 2017, I joined some friends for the Women’s March downtown.  Sharing the moment with so many disparate souls who cared enough about a cause to show up (if only voting worked that way) was uplifting:  the big city felt a bit like a village as hundreds of thousands of lives intersected near and [...]

Beauty, Interrupted

2018-11-20T06:09:29+00:00May 6th, 2018|

My beauty rituals are as good for my soul as they are for my looks.  Sometimes they’re an elaborate, all-day affair; other times they’re quick and to the point.  That fast and furious routine is a modern-day necessity, but the comfort and happiness that come from taking the extra time for myself is often the [...]

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