Half Full

2018-12-13T22:32:59+00:00June 17th, 2018|

There are a few reasons my attitude toward stress does me harm.  The first is behavioral…if I think I’m stressed, I’m more likely to reach for a cocktail, cookies or other ways to help myself cope that don’t fit into my otherwise-healthy lifestyle.  On the other hand, when I’ve been able to view stress as [...]

Phones over People

2018-12-13T22:20:11+00:00June 3rd, 2018|

It’s not hard to find evidence of phones and devices taking priority over real conversation.  Just look around the next time you go out to eat—chances are there will be at least a few couple who are sitting face-to-face yet staring down at their screens.  And while occasionally pausing to answer a text or check [...]

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