Reject the Diet Mentality

2018-12-14T04:31:18+00:00August 26th, 2018|

Between modeling and being a companion to Type-A men, I meet a lot of people who struggle with eating disorders.  These folks aren’t in tune to their bodies, so they don’t know how to nourish themselves.  I wish they’d think of their bodies like a friend…would they berate their friendship for having some junk?  Nope.  [...]

Keep Cool and Mentor On

2018-12-14T04:26:58+00:00August 12th, 2018|

Most of us are aware that we don’t know everything, so we often seek out mentors.  Social media offers a new way to get a leg up on that; we can digitally stalk our mentors, preparing ideas for great conversation and open up ways of connecting when we get in touch.   In addition to [...]

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