Soccer Mom by Day, Dealer by Night

2018-12-14T04:59:46+00:00September 23rd, 2018|

A good friend of mine is a mom with two kids and she sells weed in a state in which it’s still illegal.  Before you begin your judgment (I’m sure some of you find it morally wrong and punishable), I’ll tell you that she has already rehashed your thoughts in her head.  She knows the [...]

No Laughing Matter

2018-12-14T04:56:41+00:00September 9th, 2018|

Turns out, exploring the inner workings of humor is serious business.  What is funny?  Are there any aspects of humor that have and will continue to endure for generations and appeal to all classes?  If so, what are they?  Sometimes I think about the funny part of the brain…humor seems to require both a target [...]

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