The Musician

2018-12-15T22:26:33+00:00November 18th, 2018|

In a nightly ritual, my sister used to lay transfixed on the couch for hours listening to the sounds as the piano came alive with music.  She didn’t know she was listening to the works of great composers; she knew only that I was at the piano and there was nowhere we’d rather be.  My [...]

I Was a Good Boy

2018-12-15T22:04:53+00:00November 4th, 2018|

Noise.  Noise.  I blink.  Many voices.  Bees buzzing?  Laughter.  Why?  Music, loud.  Chair, good.  Soft.  Squeaks when I move.  Soft.  She pats my paw.  She smiles at me but I can feel she is sad.  The room is big.  Very big.  Bigger than other place.  People walk.  Who?  They nod their heads.  They smile.  I [...]

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