Extreme Makeover

2020-01-16T04:39:35+00:00December 29th, 2019|

It’s almost New Year’s Resolution time, and in that vein, I know a lot of you will be planning a personality makeover.  2019 has shown that things weren’t ideal, right?  So here goes:

Holiday Art Imitates Life

2020-01-16T04:37:27+00:00December 15th, 2019|

Ah, that crisp snap in the air.  The changing of the seasons (in other cities, not where my home in LA is of course) can only mean one thing:  the holidays are upon us.  And while others may look forward to those special times

Holiday Letter to Those Who Call Me Arrogant

2020-01-16T04:35:28+00:00December 1st, 2019|

Well, here it is, holiday season again, and I’m so, so remiss in getting out those cards. It’s hardly December and I’ve already received cards in 4 digit numbers (just an estimate), and I haven’t begun to put

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