The Return

2020-11-20T03:53:36+00:00June 21st, 2020|

The individual and national benefits of universal business education are carrots; global competition is the stick. While the business of America has always been business, the business of the world will probably always be business now that China, India and most other nations have in recent decades started to follow our free-market example. [...]

Lessons: Turn Lemons into Lemonade and Pursue Your Passions

2020-11-20T03:51:06+00:00June 7th, 2020|

My family has learned to be supportive of my choices. This allowed me to thrive and live a slightly less frenetic life, balancing my needs vs. American stigma. Testament to the idea that there's nothing better than turning lemons into lemonade, my odd career choice

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