Christmas: Joy, Love and Togetherness

2023-07-05T00:18:54+00:00December 20th, 2020|

     As the holiday approaches, the air fills with the scent of freshly baked cookies, decorations adorn every corner, and the streets glow with a warm, twinkling light.  It is the magical time of year when the world comes together to celebrate Christmas – a festival that beautifully encapsulates love, joy, and togetherness.  Embarking [...]

Compassion in Navigating Conversations About Sex

2023-07-04T23:58:28+00:00December 6th, 2020|

      Sex is an essential and complex aspect of the human experience, yet it is rarely openly discussed.  Our society often shy away from conversations about sex due to embarrassment, cultural taboos, or a lack of education.  However, approaching these discussions with compassion, respect, and open-mindedness can help foster a healthier sexual culture.  [...]

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