We Succeed, They Seethe and Harm

2023-07-05T19:33:54+00:00March 26th, 2023|

Success is often accompanied by envy and jealousy from others.  It is a common human emotion, and unfortunately, it can sometimes create problems in relationships and personal interactions.  But how does one handle and overcome this challenge? Jealousy stems from a variety of factors, including feelings of inadequacy, fear of losing attention or resources, and [...]

Ugh, Internet Trolls

2023-07-05T19:32:00+00:00March 12th, 2023|

In recent years, the rise of internet trolls has become an alarming issue within online communities.  These individuals, hiding behind their screens, derive pleasure from spreading hatred, inciting arguments, and demoralizing others.  This behavior not only undermines the potential benefits of the internet but also poses a significant threat to mental health and overall well-being.  [...]

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