Embracing Joy: Making Time for Fun

2023-07-05T19:44:39+00:00June 18th, 2023|

In our fast-paced and busy lives, it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending cycle of work, responsibilities, and obligations.  However, amidst all the hustle and bustle, we often forget the significance of incorporating fun into our daily routines.  Taking time for ourselves is not just a luxury; it is an essential aspect of [...]

AI’s Influence on Sex Work

2023-07-05T19:41:26+00:00June 4th, 2023|

Artificial intelligence has undoubtedly revolutionized numerous industries, and sex work is no exception.  With the rapid advancements in technology, AI is set to have a significant impact on the future of this industry, both positive and negative.  One of the ways AI is already influencing sex work is through virtual reality and interactive simulations.  These [...]

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