In books, films and life I’ve always had a soft spot for the antihero—the complex personality who adds dimension to an otherwise straightforward story.  After all, I love Los Angeles, which is a town built on the contrary.  That preference for contradiction has made me fond of some people who were as bad and morally bankrupt as they come, yet also spine-tinglingly transfixing and leaving you wanting more.  I love a man in a suit who flashes a grin as he crushes his competition; I also love a tattooed bad-boy who turns around and reveals he’s holding his infant daughter as she sleeps.

In my world, mingling of opposing forces is critical to success.  Kindness and ambition can reside in harmony, I’ve found, running my little one-woman empire and serving with an open heart while also tolerating zero rubbish.

Speaking of finding equilibrium, I’m writing this from my patio while I look out at the ocean…water can cleanse even the darkest of spirits.  It’s always been synonymous with rebirth and renewal.  Throw in the waves off my beach, and at home I feel my highest level of being.  Striking balance between work and play, contentedness and drive, bitchiness and compliance, holding on and letting go, hasn’t been easy for me.  But the spark created by the constant flux is actually what’s as seductive and deliciously bewildering.  It’s in the gray areas that the most interesting things are revealed.