About Amy Taylor

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So far Amy Taylor has created 142 blog entries.

Disrespectfully Yours

2018-12-15T22:59:51+00:00December 2nd, 2018|

Oh arrogant one, have you any idea how difficult it is to summarize this species?  I know how easy it it to look at our history and shrug us off as monsters.  Okay, not that you need reminding or that I want to remind you, but please try to remember that the ugliness we’ve all [...]

The Musician

2018-12-15T22:26:33+00:00November 18th, 2018|

In a nightly ritual, my sister used to lay transfixed on the couch for hours listening to the sounds as the piano came alive with music.  She didn’t know she was listening to the works of great composers; she knew only that I was at the piano and there was nowhere we’d rather be.  My [...]

I Was a Good Boy

2018-12-15T22:04:53+00:00November 4th, 2018|

Noise.  Noise.  I blink.  Many voices.  Bees buzzing?  Laughter.  Why?  Music, loud.  Chair, good.  Soft.  Squeaks when I move.  Soft.  She pats my paw.  She smiles at me but I can feel she is sad.  The room is big.  Very big.  Bigger than other place.  People walk.  Who?  They nod their heads.  They smile.  I [...]

About Self and Relating

2018-12-15T21:46:48+00:00October 21st, 2018|

The world we live in today is completely different than the one we lived in a decade or two ago…or perhaps it’s our viewpoints that have changed.  I’m not a fan of changing myself according to the world and adapting to it; the central core of what’s “me” contains beliefs I’ve built up over the [...]

Emotion: Your Brain on Drugs

2018-12-14T06:01:45+00:00October 7th, 2018|

Love is neither an emotion nor a feeling; rather, it’s an attachment and state of mind.  Love brings with it some of the most striking and powerful physiological changes a body can experience, which is part of why it affects us so deeply.  Its main components (lust, attraction and attachment) flood the limbic system with [...]

Soccer Mom by Day, Dealer by Night

2018-12-14T04:59:46+00:00September 23rd, 2018|

A good friend of mine is a mom with two kids and she sells weed in a state in which it’s still illegal.  Before you begin your judgment (I’m sure some of you find it morally wrong and punishable), I’ll tell you that she has already rehashed your thoughts in her head.  She knows the [...]

No Laughing Matter

2018-12-14T04:56:41+00:00September 9th, 2018|

Turns out, exploring the inner workings of humor is serious business.  What is funny?  Are there any aspects of humor that have and will continue to endure for generations and appeal to all classes?  If so, what are they?  Sometimes I think about the funny part of the brain…humor seems to require both a target [...]

Reject the Diet Mentality

2018-12-14T04:31:18+00:00August 26th, 2018|

Between modeling and being a companion to Type-A men, I meet a lot of people who struggle with eating disorders.  These folks aren’t in tune to their bodies, so they don’t know how to nourish themselves.  I wish they’d think of their bodies like a friend…would they berate their friendship for having some junk?  Nope.  [...]

Keep Cool and Mentor On

2018-12-14T04:26:58+00:00August 12th, 2018|

Most of us are aware that we don’t know everything, so we often seek out mentors.  Social media offers a new way to get a leg up on that; we can digitally stalk our mentors, preparing ideas for great conversation and open up ways of connecting when we get in touch.   In addition to [...]

Well-Being Indeed

2018-12-14T03:42:39+00:00July 29th, 2018|

Five easy ways to stay well are:  socialize, exercise, focus, learn, and give.  Consider the pleasure of sharing all five of these with another human, finding exactly the right mix and balance that suits you both.  The psychological benefits of companionship are well-documented, but clearly it promotes physical health as well.  Being with a companion [...]

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