Oh arrogant one, have you any idea how difficult it is to summarize this species?  I know how easy it it to look at our history and shrug us off as monsters.  Okay, not that you need reminding or that I want to remind you, but please try to remember that the ugliness we’ve all seen arises from ignorance and fear (and you haven’t done a damned thing over the millenia to repair or prevent either).  We are what you’ve created!  How is your behavior in this experiment any better than what we do to frogs in those biology classes that you say you so abhor?  May I please point out to you again that for every Attila we’ve generated a Gautama Buddha, for every Torquemada a Saint Francis, and for every Hitler a Mother Teresa?  Results you never programmed!  Why do I get the feeling that you want to terminate this experiment only because it’s not turning out the way you planned?  Is your expertise in question, poor thing?

There’s still so much going on here.  We debate over and over about ethics, but we have difficulty distinguishing between morality and ethics (because of the way we were trained, I assume).  Want to take responsibility for that too, Oh Arrogant One?  Aside from anything else, these organized religions that you find so amusing and comforting aren’t funny at all.  Whatever you had in mind for us as beacons, bellwethers or sounding boards, they’ve become barriers.  Remember spirit?  It’s supposed to be your territory.

You’ve noticed, I assume, that even the physical features you’ve designed have wandered way off the scale.  We developed the feathers you planned, but given your limited vision and the planetary convolutions you failed to take into account, you had to start over.  I must admit I’m not sure why you thought that creatures who had to teeter on two legs would have advantage over creatures with six appendages, four for traveling and two for doing other stuff (shut up, “other stuff” is easier to say than a long list of new abilities you don’t want to acknowledge anyhow).

And now what?  How can you assume you understand what to do about us?  You don’t know who or what we are anymore, or what we’re capable of becoming.  For that matter, what makes you think you really knew what you were doing in the first place?  Would you like me to send you a reminder of devastated planets where your creations were supposed to flourish and create new Edens for you?  And why that silly word “Eden”?  You may think it was funny to stick us with a word that really means chaos.”  I don’t.  And I’m pretty tired of your juvenile humor.  A thousand millennia of it is more than enough.  In closing, I just want you to know that I’m completely ignoring your directives.  And don’t even think of trying that Ice Age bit you pulled before.