No doubt, you’re still shell-shocked as the economy has clawed its way out of the recession and into revery. But if you cut advertising dollars, you probably hindered the very rebound you so desperately needed. It’s a natural reaction to downturns to cut advertising, but that leaves an empty space in potential customers’ minds—and it allows more aggressive marketers to swoop in and take away your customers. By sticking to your strategy, you can be on of those net winners. And it’s always a good time to do that.
When demand for advertising is low, costs trend downward—making it an efficient investment. The key is to create a message that reflects the times and describes how you can benefit your clients. That might not be a message about price, rather an upbeat message of value. For example, goal-oriented messages may resound with clients who aren’t ready to spend on luxury but will spend to achieve a dream or become a happier person. Messages of empowerment (giving your clients some sense of control in turbulent times), as those offering emotional release, and long-term value, also resonate.
Indeed, marketing and advertising in tough times can position you for a stronger recovery. Besides, cutting your voice will cost you more, when you try to regain your market share after going dark. Your new normal should be reconsidering where and how you advertise, though. Segmenting your marketing efforts to your different client groups allows for more specific, targeted messages. Reconfiguring which advertising you use can make your efforts more efficient—in addition to using what you’ve always used, consider using lower-cost higher-time techniques such as social media. And make sure advertising purchases match your target market…there is always a way to communicate with potential customers, from bad times to what are becoming good ones.